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Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Smurfs

Shall we glorify, not bother, or declare WAR?


  1. The Smurf Movie is a tossup. I want to declare War, but it was tolerable enough to pass for a rental. It has its strength as well as a list for weaknesses. If you want to get out of the house and you have extra money to burn, then I would suggest you grab your kid, if they are less than twelve years old, and go see the Smurfs. Warning: there are some gross out scenes, but nothing too outrageous. What is up with the injection of gross-out comedy within children and family films these days? Let’s desensitize them more than they are.

  2. I declared WAR! Writing is hard enough, but the competition to get a writing position in the film industry is even harder, and yet they let this slide. Wow. Let's create a discussion.
